March 8, 2011

Chocolate Banana Frapachino

Hello Again!

This is also a recipe from my week of sick, even though that was forever ago. I have this weird thing against milk products when I am sick--someone fed me the idea that milk makes you produce more flem and promotes infection. I am no doctor, but I definitely have negative thoughts towards milk products when sick. I think that knowing I shouldn't have it makes me want it more, so I always crave creamy things when sick. To over
come this obstacle I made almond milk in-situ for this recipe! This also helps out all of those lactose intolerant peeps out there.

Chocolate Banana Frapachino

- 1/2 cup of milk (I added 1/8 cup of almonds and 1/2 cup of water)
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 1 banana
- 1 tsp cocoa powder
- 1 Tbsp chocolate chips

- add 1/8 cup of almonds and 1/2 cup of water and blend until no large chunks of almond remain
- blend banana, ice cubes and milk until no big ice chunks remain (this should have a snow cone consistency)
- add chocolate chips and cocoa powder and blend until mixed (I like the chocolate chunks even though they sink to the bottom... spoons help!)

Can you tell I was parked on the couch in front of the TV for an extended period of time?

Lent is upon us. I am not a religious person, however I do like to give things up for lent. It starts tomorrow (March 9th) and goes until April 28th. This year I am going to give up MEAT! Yikes! I have always wanted to try but have never been able to commit to it. So from lunch tomorrow (I am going to have steak) until April 28th NO MEAT!

Is anyone else giving things up for lent?



  1. Your smoothies make me really miss having a good blender!

    I am not giving up anything for lent, cause every time i think about it, i realize i am giving up everything as i know it for the 4 months following lent, and i refuse to give something up for 40 days knowing that i will likely not have access to it for the next 4 months!

  2. Lent is for suckas, good on you for doing it though

  3. I am not going to lie, I am kind of a cheat. I was going to go veg for April or May anyways just to see how it is... Realistically I never buy or cook meat, but having roommates who cook for you makes such an experiment difficult without a reason.
