February 10, 2011

Sore Throat Saviour

Sorry I have been MIA for a while I went to Calgary last weekend for a house warming party. There was loads of wonderful food and I ate until I couldn't move. Right went I was seteling into an awesome food coma the Kinect was brought out for some dance competitions. BLEH, it was fun though I think the Kinect has some major awesome factors since there are no controllers involved!

Thursday morning I woke up with a killer sore throat, it felt like someone had stabed my right tonsil and then poured 95% EtOH down there to desiccate the shit out of it. I wanted some nice broth-y soup to save the day.
This recipe is stolen for Devin's mom. It was reverse engineered from a soup they had in Mexico. I like to call it spicy limey deliciousness, it helps clear the sinuses like woah.

-2 Tbs of olive oil
-1 onion
-1 jalepeno pepper
-3 red hot chili peppers
-1 lime
-2 tomatoes
-6 cups of vegetable and or chicken stock

Mince and sauté onion in olive oil until translucent. Add minced jelapeno pepper (with or without seeds depending on how hot you would like it). This time I blended the lime and tomatoes because I didn't want a chunky soup but normally you would add the chopped tomatoes and the lime juice & zest. Nowadd the soup broth and minced chili peppers let simmer for 10-20 minutes to incorporate the flavours.

Note #1: Chicken can be added for a meaty-er soup

Note #2: last time we made this is was much lime-y-er andI think this was due to the fact that the tomatoes were blended this time...

Note #3: do not add the lime rind as it will make the soup very bitter

Note #5: If you don't like spice leave out the hot chili peppers

Prep the ingredients

Sauté the onions and add jalepeno

Add the broth and all of the other fixens. Simmmerrrr and eat!

This weekend there will be Chili!! There is a Departmental chili cook off on Monday and I think I am the only vegetarian chili entered. AND hopefully some white kidney bean cookies will make an appearance too. BEANS!!!



  1. that soup looks so amazingggggg!!!
    i also really enjoyed the description of your ailment. that is how i hope every one of m patients describes their pain in the future.

  2. You used the wrong soar, unless you are an eagle and didn't tell me...

  3. I fail at spelling, this is what happens when I don't get someone to proof read.
    Thanks Mel!
