Tuesday night is wings night at an awesome restaurant here called Brewsters. They have a list of at least 30 beers that they make and their food is really good too. Since I teach Wednesday mornings I had to pass on wings this Tuesday which was le sad. To make up for such a tragedy plans were made with the roommates for tonight to make our own fantastic wings...however that has been postponed until Sunday.
To try and make up for being lead on by wings twice in one week I thought homemade pizza would be a good substitute. I bet you can see this coming too, the pizza also did not happen. I wanted to make falafel balls to put on the pizza (haha balls), so when I got home at 8 it was a bit late and just settled with the falafel.
I would not call this a traditional falafel recipe, I just kind of mixed a bunch of spices together with chick peas to try and make something wonderful. I might be biased but these were pretty sweet.
Falafel-esk Balls
-1 can of chickpeas
-1/2 onion
-2 cloves of garlic
-2 tbs olive oil
-1 tsp coriander
-1.5 tbs cumin
-2 tsp parsley
Combine chickpeas, onion, garlic and olive oil in food processor until almost smooth consistency is obtained.

Mix in spices and form balls on cooking sheet.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes, flipping once after 15 minutes, then broil for 5 minutes to form crispy exterior.

Let cool and enjoy in a wrap on pizza or to spice up a lazy salad.

The salad was dressed with apple cider vinegar, olive oil and honey with some feta sprinkled on top. Nom nom nom.
Adventures for the weekend involve wings, possibly a bread making adventure too.
Tomorrow I have a pot luck to go to but I have no idea what I am going to make yet! Any suggestions are welcome.
mmm sounds good, I like how you have a salad with one massive falafel-ball thing on top. Also did you just make up how to make it or did you have a recipe?
ReplyDeleteI kind of just made it up as I went along. Devin looked up what kind of spices should go in. By the time they were done I had already eaten my roommates left over pasta so I wasn't too hungry anymore.