January 31, 2011

Avocado: Berry Goodness!

Hi Guys!

Wow it has been a while since this has been updated, and then twice in one day! Today I am going to talk about my favorite fruit as of late: Avacado!

The avocado (Persea americana) is a tree native to the State of Puebla in Mexico,[1] classified in the flowering plant family Lauraceaealong with cinnamoncamphor and bay laurelAvocado or alligator pear also refers to the fruit (a large berry that contains a large seed[2]) of the tree, which may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped or spherical....

There is so much you can do with these creamy green "berries", from making guacamole, using it in salads, and making fresh fruit smoothies (yum!).

On Thursday night, I made a grilled chicken/ avacado sandwich. Here is the recipe:


1) 1 piece of grilled chicken breast, seasoned to taste (i used montreal chicken seasoning, but just salt and pepper works to)
2) 1/2 an Avacado
3) Parmesean cheese/ raosted tred pepper dip
4) Olive bread loaf

Cut the chicken breast into thin slabs (1/2 thinkness of the full chicken breast). Season the chicken breast and cook on medium heat until ready (make sure it is cooked through. Cook time depends on thickness of meat). You can BBQ or gril itl, but as it is winter, I just cooked it stove-top in a little bit of EVOO.
Spread the parmesean spread onto one side of the bread. Put the cooked chicken breast and avacado slices on top, and cover with the other slice of bread. (That is right, I just explained how to make a sandwich in case you didn't know!)

The sandwiches were delicious, and we paired them wit some homemade chardonay (thanks Joseph!)

  Chicken Cooking

 Sandwiches! yummy

Salad with honey mustard dressing (nice paired with the avocado)

Ok..onto the next recipe. Avacado fruit smoothies:

1) One full ripe avacado
2) Strawberry flavored yogurt
3) Milk
4) Sugar or honey (if you have a sweet tooth. I find it is already sweet enough without adding more sweetner though)


Put all ingredients into a blender or food processor. Blend. Enjoy.


  1. I bought a bag of avocado's at Costco this weekend, I will definitely need to put these recipes to use!

  2. did you seriously use the term EVOO? who are you?

  3. lol....I did. I often watch the food network.

  4. My olive oil is labeled EVOO.
    I just made a smoothie with some avocado... soo smooth
