As you know I went grocery shopping so I had food supplies, however they do begin to dwindle as the fruits and veggies start to go. This is when I figure I should do something lest they get inedible.
Meal 1: Croissantwich

Well, for this wonder, I picked up some discounted croissants (1 day from expiry). I had some left-over cappicollo from the deli the previous week. It looked kind of like bacon or prosciutto, so I fried it. I microwaved the croissant for 20 seconds to soften it up. I mayo'd one half, and margerined the other, Cut up a couple slices of tomato too. I also had some decent havarti which was a bonus. To top it off I added a heaping mound of sauerkraut. I then proceeded to eat it.
Meal 2: Cornmealed Pork Ramen
Due the fact Sara and I made a colossal amount to pork the other day, i had some leftovers. Since the cornmeal was a little gritty (I think we forgot mention that) I figured where else to put it but Japanese style soup. I always have a couple of packets of ramen on hand (for best results buy the ones with the least English on the package). So I boiled an egg, and refried up the porkchop. Once they were nearing completion, I cooked up the noodles according to the directions on the package. I am not sure what flavor they were, the only English was the directions, and a sentence on the front saying "now with sesame oil". I poured myself a bowl and added the egg and the cut up pork chop. Also for my veggies I had some slightly flowering broccoli (not pictured) followed by fresh blueberries for dessert.
Meal 3: Rice, Avocado and Meatballs???
DESSERT 1: Berry Sauce?
So also on sale was berries, 2 for 1, so I picked up a pint of blueberries and whatever a size container is typical for strawberries. But alas, again I am only one man, and the strawberries started to get fuzzy, and the blueberries shriveled. So into the saucepan they go (with a cinnamon stick of course). As this was simmering away while I prepared my avocado, I remembered Sara's post, and thought "hey, why not?" I simmered them together, but the avocado never fully disintegrating leaving green chunks in my berry sauce. If was motivated I would have whipped out the immersion blender. Oh well. Onto Ice Cream it goes.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, tune in next week for more food adventures!!!!