May 9, 2011

Rib Eye!

So, the food situation here is getting a bit better... although if I don't go to My Store between classes on Wednesday's I am not going to have milk for a very long time...

Qesterday I made Quinoa, with a recipe that I learned from Chef Michael. Basically, brown some onions and garlic, add capers and raisons (I didn't have capers), then add chicken soup broth and Quinoa and let it cook till it's done. I took a picture, but it is going to take 1 hour to upload, so that will have to come later...

I made a ton of it, so I have lunch for all week at school!

Also, last night I went to this place called swinging doors for dinner. It's a bar, but they do a BBQ three times a week, so we al got a beautiful, perfectly cooked rib eye steak, baked potato, salad, and mixed veggies! it was probably the best thing I have eaten since I got on the island!

In a few weeks we are going to go to the Friday nigh BBQ, which is ribs! woot woot!

my quinoa!

My roommate (Jaclyn) really enjoying her rib eye steak!

May 6, 2011

Ode to no deep fried-ness

Hello friends,

I have been MIA recently with no real excuses. I am officially done lent, and it really wasn't so bad, I actually think I like not eating meat. If you haven't noticed I don't really cook with meat, mostly because it is expensive, but I also really don't like cooking it. I think the hardest part of lent was finding vegetarian friendly restaurants. Moral of the story is, I think I am going to continue avoiding meat because it makes my insides happy, and I get to try new awesome things.

Next order of business: Deep fried foods.
Last night I had a Groupon that was about to expire for an Australian pub. Devin and I split a kangaroo burger and fish and chips (yes this is meat but they had no other options, and I wanted to try kangaroo). I wasn't a big fan of the kangaroo burger, it came with an egg on it so the sandwich didn't really stay together well and it was a big mess, and it tasted meh. The fish was what you would expect and the chips were awesome! Super crispy potato devil fingers if you will. I was so full afterward I fell into a big grease coma and felt like death. I couldn't even finish my beer!

After some thought I realized that the last time I felt this way was after a trip to Calgary's famous drive-in burger joint.

On this trip it was still during lent I just got some onion rings and a large fries to split between four of us.

You see that bag that looks like it should have four meals in it? Yeah that whole bag was filled with fries! I think it was 6$ for their "large" fries, I think that is more like "extended family" size. Obviously greasy food coma followed shortly afterwards. To avoid this scenario in the future I am going to officially swear off any deep fried food until my trip to Ontario, then I will re-asses the situation.

In honour of this decision I will post a recipe that I made a long time ago.....

The idea behind it is you flavour them how you wish, using some sort of dressing of any flavour you like, then you bake them at a low temperature until they are completely dehydrated and crispy!

Being the worst food bloger of all times, I don't think I wrote this recipe down... oops?...

It was a combination of cashews, onion, and lemon juice, and seasonings like curry powder and paprika. Either way it was delicious and I encourage you to experiment with your own flavours.

Once you have your dressing, cover your washed kale evenly in the flavour.

Now spread it out on a baking sheet, and bake at 200 for a couple of hours (yes hours) fliping every half hour. When it is done the kale should be completely dehydrated. When I did this some of the kale pieces were done before others, they were removed right away to avoid burning.
The finished product. Nice healthy non-deep fried chip alternative.

See you next week! (I promise)

April 30, 2011

Island food

OK, so as I am sure most of our readers know, I recently (on Thursday night) moved to an island in the Caribbean called Saba. It is a beautiful little island, but in terms of food the choices are pretty limited. Yesterday I went grocery shopping and bought the following:
Potato bread (the other breaks were stale and/or moldy)
Pear Juice
Frozen Veggies
Gouda Cheese

That's about it.. apparently Wednesdays are the best days for groceries, so maybe I will have some better luck.... but the bright side of this is I think the limited options may make some amazing post opportunities.

Today for lunch, I will be having a ham and gouda sandwich. It should be pretty tasty!

Last week, I ate at a restaurant in Philipsburg (St. Maarten) called Chesterfields. It was so amazing... I had Mahi Mahi stuffed with a crab filling. On the side it came with half and half rice and french fries, a few roasted carrots, and zucchini with parmesan cheese on top. It was the best thing I have eaten in quite a while!

Anyways, stay tuned for some more exciting meals...


April 16, 2011

Ethnic food?... Part 2: How not to make pad thai

This is what happens when I branch out....but I learned one valuable lesson: the type of noodles matter wayyy more than you would think!

So..I have made pad thai before...and it has always been pretty tasty. One day, Brent and I decided we should make it for dinner (before the mother mother concert)... and I totally screwed up!

So, we will start with the easy part:
Cube some chicken and/or tofu (1 cup)
Prepare some shrimp (deshell, etc...however much you want)

mix cornstarch in soy sauce and marinade the chicken/tofu/shrimp if you want... it makes it better, but I am usually too lazy for this step

The sauce:

1 tbsp tamarind paste and about 1/2 that of water (you can substitute for a rice vinegar/ orange juice combo)
1-2 tablespoons of fish sauce
1 tablespoon of chili sauce (or more if you like it spicy)
2 table spoons of brown sugar
a bunch of cilantro or coriander (same thing?..i'm not sure)
1/4 cup chicken soup stock if you feel you need more, add more
a little bit of sesame oil
garlic (a few cloves)
and i usually add some lime juice

So, you basically put all those in a sauce pan and cook them a little.

In a separate pan, with a little bit of veggie oil, cook the meat/tofu. The cook the veggies (usually onions, bean sprouts, an that's it, but I always add more stuff)

Then you cook the noodles. Use rice noodles...but buy the ones that look like linguini....not the ones I bought.

Then you mix it all together with the sauce, add some peanuts and a lime wedge..and voila!

BUT, when we made it, we used rice noodles that you soak instead of cooking..and they got all mushed together and tasted like starch, and literally were more like dumplings than noodles :(

Jupiter’s Royal Acorn


I realize we haven't been updating very often, and I completely failed my goal of posting all of the recipes I wanted to get done before the month was over... I am going to make a more realistic goal of posting once a week, hopefully with something new and exciting each time.

Today I will introduce you to something I made back in February... I think...

Candied Walnuts

- 1 cup walnuts
- 1 Tbsp sugar
- 2 Tbsp sugar syrup
- Achar masala
- Toss nuts in sugar and spice.
- Bake at 325 until sugar starts to bubble ~ 15 min. Be careful not to burn the sugar, no one likes burnt sugar.
- Let cool & enjoy

Warning... they may be addictive.

Until next time (which will hopefully be sooner rather than later).....

March 24, 2011

Veggie Deluxe Pizza

Hello Everyone,

So if you have been reading regularly you might remember I have given up meat for lent. I guess it has been two weeks now, the time has just flown by. The one, single occasion where I even considered wanting meat was the day after St Patrick's day. I wanted deep fried chinese food SO bad!

After my roommates original protest they have been fairly supportive. There have been some tasty stir-fries and this epic pizza!

Veggie Deluxe Pizza


On Fleishmanns pizza yeast there is a pizza crust recipe; I follow that but used whole wheat flour. It is super easy and delicious.
Roll out the dough and give it a thin coat of olive oil, then cover in your sauce. We used Newmanns Own marinara sauce on one and a mix of that and BBQ sauce on the second one (I preferred the mix).
Now top with your favourite veggies:
- onion
- spinach
- broccoli
- asparagus
- tomato
- carrot

Top with some sharp cheddar cheese

Bake at 350 C for about 15-20 minutes, until the cheese is melted and the crust is crispy.

Before baking......

Fresh out of the oven... it didn't last long

What are your favourite pizza toppings?